Helsinki meeting

On September 26th and 27th, Helsinki University hosted the second in-presence meeting of the Academies4Ukraine project.

After the kick-off meeting held in Italy in November 2023, and after one year in which the implementation activity continued online, the Academies4Ukraine project partners had the chance to personally interact with each other in two days of collective work.

During the meeting the first project result was presented by i-strategies. It is the documentary film "Academic Resilience Stories from Ukraine" in which, thanks to interviews and images shared by project partners, stories of academic resilience under the Russian aggression are told.

In the next months, the documentary film will be presented during six international dissemination events partners will organise in Italy, Finland, Latvia and Ukraine.

In the context of the meeting, Kaisa Kuurne (Helsinki University) presented to project partners the first draft of the digital handbook "Enhancing exchange students' everyday well-being and sense of belonging in the time of crisis. Learning from the case of Ukrainian exchange students at the University of Helsinki during wartime" which will be the second project result. 

Project partners agreed to hold the next in-presence project meeting at the end of September 2025 in Riga where the third and the last project result (a "Manual for implementing a university psychological help service for students") will be ready to share with the project partners.